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Those whom have become the seekers of truth, questioners of that which has been taught, or inquisitors of mans true purpose, find their way here.

(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

As it has been so, that the ancient teaching of old which once united all peoples have been greatly falsified (the Teaching of the Prophets), leading to all having been deceived since time immemorial, it remains my endeavor to share mere nuggets of illumination with those whom are the seekers, questioners, and inquisitors of truth, as within the forged doctrine (the doctrine of modern religions) remains yet enough truth to be unveiled. 


Thus let it be so, that those whom have eyes to see and ears to hear, and wish to become knowing ones, allow themselves to become as little children once again in their curiosity and thinking, that they may read through the content herein with open hearts and clear minds, setting aside learned convictions (regardless from whither the beliefs may originate) and decide for themselves with reason and logic what is truly of truth.

The content herein is not intended to proselytize the seeker of truth, so for this reason, this site shall have neither a section for public commentary, nor for private inquiry, as it solely remains the contents purpose to be illuminating (informatively thought-provoking), ultimately leaving the journey of the coming to truth, and discovery of the deepest of truths, to the seeker themself.

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

It had been said in times of old "And everything will happen because my teaching and also the new prophet's will be falsified" and it has been so!

(One with Divine Knowledge)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

In such, details in an all-inclusive form shall not be revealed herein, but rather the veiled parables from within the forged doctrine shall merely be alluded to, that the seeker justly continue on the pursuit for truth in earnest wonder, until the guarded treasure be unveiled. It essentially remains the position of the seeker to determine within oneself, what is fundamentally of truth to oneself, which may only be concluded within the might of the thoughts of the seeker themself. 

Once the seeker determines truth for oneself, has the seed of knowledge been planted to which they become a part of the Tree of Knowledge. It is the seeker, whom then becomes the knower, and who may then well-meaningly branch-out to thy neighbor in loving form and share their unveiled knowledge, that they too may be granted the opportunity of endeavoring on the journey for truth themself, if it be so of their will.

In this wise, the roots of the Tree of Life extend across the lands, to which over the course of time all of humanity may inevitably become knowing ones, armed with the power of true love, knowledge and wisdom, that through such, great change may ultimately ensue, forging the brightest of future for all created life, which may then live as was originally and truly intended upon the Creation.

(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)
~  Salome ~

Goblet of the Truth _ आँ Relegeous Truth

"And the time will be long before all this all comes to pass, a long time into the Third Millennium, long, 800 years long, because, first then, the seeds of the Teaching of the Spirit, the Teaching of the Creation and its Laws and Recommendations, as well as the Teaching of the Life, will slowly begin to germinate in the mass of humankind, because they slowly open their eyes and ears, and honestly begin to seek the actual truth"

(Guardian of the Treasure)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

What lies in wait within the annals herein remains for all of free-will to consider, whether one be of a chosen faith, as well as those of non-faith alike, as the seeking one will come to find, that from the primeval religions of old, in verity, have all other religions and/or systems of conviction emerged. Moreover for the reason that humanity in verity can not pave a true path to peace upon the earth, without first fathoming what has come to pass.

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth
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